Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Exercise- Harassment_Human Sexuality

Exercise- Harassment_Human Sexuality

Q For each scenario below, decide whether sexual harassment occurred, whether it was mild, moderate, or severe, what the "perpetrator" could or should have done differently, and what the "victim" could do about the problem or potential problem. 1. A female student has asked a male student to stop asking her out on dates and to stop paying her compliments. He continues to sit next to her (she hasn't moved her seat) and he stares at her throughout most of each class, but he has stopped talking to her at all. 2. 2. A teacher notices that one of his students has a crush on him. Both are adults, and when they talk after class she has made it clear that she would like to date him. He tells her that they could get together to work on her academic standing, which has been slipping recently. During a tutoring session, his attraction to her gets the better of him and he talks her into having sex with him, saying it won't hurt her grade. She gets a "C" for the course. 3. A construction worker whistles and applauds as an attractive woman walks by his construction site every day. The woman always quickens her pace to get past the building as fast as possible, every once a while she smiles a little, suggesting that she enjoys being found attractive. The worker's buddy pokes him and says he could be putting the company at risk for a sexual harassment lawsuit, but the worker doesn't think that's likely to happen and continues to whistle and applaud at attractive women.

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1. In the first scenario, it can be observed that as the female student was feeling uncomfortable with the repeated compliments or the asking for dates, she directly told the male student to stop doing that. Even though the male student stopped passing compliments but he started to stare her continuously but at the same time as the situation explain that the girl who sits beside him did not move her seat shows that somewhere or the other she was giving her consent to him. Staring a person is not considered as harassment or can be told to be a mild one but if he will continue to stare, it might create a problem as it will become uncomfortable for the girl to even sit beside him.